Source code for “Designing Screen Interfaces in C”

The book “Designing Screen Interfaces in C” was written back in the days of DOS to allow applications to have pop-up windows and  modern looking menus in text only displays.

I was approached by a publisher to write the book after my article “Pull-down menus in C” appeared in Byte magazine.

Since I am occasionally contacted by programmers looking for the source code I thought I would post it here.

I was contacted a few years ago by a company that wanted to use the code in a product scanner designed to take grocery store inventories. Since the code was written to write directly to the  display buffer and could be configured to run on almost any size screen it was ideal for that application.  The fact the code took only 10K of memory made it ideal for small devices

Please don’t contact me with questions about the code since it has been a long time since I looked at it.

Here is  zip file with the C source code updated to also compile under c++ compilers. DSIIC-UPDATE.ZIP
